
Notepad++ regular expression delete markup
Notepad++ regular expression delete markup

If you have further search-and-replace (“matching”, “marking”, “bookmarking”, regular expression, “regex”) needs, study this FAQ and the documentation it points to. If you want to clearly communicate your text data to us, you need to properly format it. It is very important that you use these formatting tips – using single backtick marks around small snippets, and using code-quoting for pasting multiple lines from your example data files – because otherwise, the forum will change normal quotes ( "") to curly “smart” quotes ( “”), will change hyphens to dashes, will sometimes hide asterisks (or if your text is c:\folder\*.txt, it will show up as c:\folder*.txt, missing the backslash). For more about how to use Markdown in this forum, please see post in the “how to markdown code on this forum” topic, and my updates near the end. This forum is formatted using Markdown, with a help link buried on the little grey ? in the COMPOSE window/pane when writing your post. Here is some helpful information for finding out more about regular expressions, and for formatting posts in this forum (especially quoting data) so that we can fully understand what you’re trying to ask: If that isn’t sufficient, please read below, and give enough details to show why it wasn’t sufficient for your needs.įYI: I often add this to my response in regex threads, unless I am sure the original poster has seen it before. This is using the cool “conditional” replacement described here: if group #1 matched in the Find expression, then replace the whole expression with NOTHING (don’t want a comma at the end of the file), otherwise replace everything with a comma.(\Z)? = check if it’s the end of the line, and store in group #1.\s+.*\R* = grab a space after the number, plus any characters to the end of the line, plus any EOL character(s).\K= assuming this much has been matched, clear that (so the replace won’t replace the numeric prefix).\d+\.?\d* = match one or more digits, followed by optional literal decimal point, followed by 0 or more digits.I came up with one that seems to do the trick, for me, with your test data. Thank you for the before and after data: that helps. The ultimate goal is to convert the column into a row and have the digits separated by a comma WITHOUT any leading spaces. Welcome to the Community Forum, You said:

Notepad++ regular expression delete markup